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About Ellis McCarthy Ministries


Founded in 2015, during the writing of the book 'Blueprint of as God Man', God impressed the need to equip and activate the body the Christ. With so many underutilized seasoned saints in the church, unaware of a place to be used in the church, there was a call to empower the laborers. In this season of such a great harvest, we must create opportunities for the saints to evangelize the world, for the Kingdom of God to reap the harvest.

2 Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. [Luk 10:2 KJV]

Ellis C. McCarthy

Founder and CEO of Ellis McCarthy Ministries

Donna Y. McCarthy

Wife, Mother, Elder and Visonary. 

Testimonials Page

Testimonials of the those who have encountered the work of Ellis McCarthy Misitries


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